Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pay-Out Watercolor Party

Celebrating life's accomplishments is important to feel gratitude for all that has come your way. Last evening,we gathered with good food among good friends to share successes and to acknowledge the joy in each of our lives. We had lots of delicious food and shared recipes of  Michael's tamale pie, Debra's avacado and corn salad, Cec's  Chicken with Coconut &  Peanut Sauce and Cheesecake by Catherine's brother. Everything was delicious. Watercolor was introduced to the group allowing everyone to tap into their own creative muse. We concluded the evening in a prayer of gratitude and sharing of successes that the Universe has paid out in subtle rewards and moments that have made our lives much richer in our awareness of them. Louis L. Hay has a new book on gratitude that I am looking forward to reading. 
Sometimes in life things are happening so fast. We solve this challenge and two more show up. We feel really great in the morning and get so caught up in life we sometimes forget that morning excitement. The simple concept of gratitude can pull you back to a place of peacefulness. We can say thank you for the challenges that make us stronger. Thank you for the way that things have turned out. Although you may not like everything, say thank you anyway.
Melodie Beatty says."Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life." She says,"It turns what we have into enough,  it turns denial into acceptance,it turns chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a house into a home. a meal into a feast,a stranger into a friend. Practice grateful thinking and see how all things gain this fullness of life and feel like MORE. 
Let gratitude create it's magic. Look at your life and count the ways that you can be thankful. Life pays out dividends for those who appreciate what they have, WARNING because you will get rewarded with MORE. Thank you!

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