Attended an exciting seminar last evening in Houston with James Ray, one of the teachers of the hit movie,"The Secret." His message reinforced what I believe to be true which is that if one person can do something then we all can. His story was another rags to riches tale of how he learned and applied spiritual laws along with what he calls his science of success to turning his life around for the better. In fact ten times better as a multimillionaire. He gave an interesting analogy that our unresolved emotional issues are like a minimized computer program, although we cannot see it, it is still there. His "Harmonic Wealth" book and his weekend seminars assist any one who has these unconscious beliefs in existence to eliminate them therefore allowing more love, joy, and empowerment into their lives. After last night, I am inspired to read his latest book. The most value gained from the lessons he presented is that we each have the potential to change our lives in the direction of our dreams should we be willing to do the inner work.