Sunday, January 10, 2010
Blessings and Abundance Abound!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Unseminar 6:Mingling with Internet Marketing Masters

So much was learned, in summary here is a fraction of it...
FRIDAY at Unseminar 6:
Masterminding and Mindmapping: was presented by Bill Hibbler, author of "Meet and Grow Rich" and Ann Collins. Mastermind groups are formed when two or more people come together and a third mind is formed. This concept was made famous by Andrew Carnegie and Napolean Hill in his classic book, "Think and Grow Rich." Bill and Ann shared inspirational stories where everyone in the group continued to meet their goals.
GOOGLE INSIDER SECRETS were next presented by Simon Leung, former Google employee, and Lee Collins. Their information was a two step formula for making money online with the right PRODUCT and then driving TRAFFIC to your site. Suggestions were made to use the Google tools including Google Keyword Tool, Google Ad Words, Google Shopping, and Google Maps. The idea behind this is that Google is Google's # 1 fan and your position on the page with the search engines will rise using this strategy.
Erica Douglas then spoke on "Turning your Blog into a Business." Erica shared strategies including the benefits of using Word Press with it's plug ins to finding complementary affiliate programs to add to your site to assist your customers in getting what they want/need. She stated that if you have read 10 books on a topic, you know more than 90% of the people. Erica offered a fabulous coaching program in which many of us joined. Stay tuned to new exciting updates.
Dr. Joe Vitale ended this first day by speaking about "The Secrets of Attracting Money." His charisma and passion filled the room. He shared his own story and urged each of us to raise our financial set points so that more money is allowed into each of our lives. He spoke of the significance of empowering ourselves to accept money so that we too could use the money as a tool in the world to do good. He ask us ,"how good can you stand it?"He ended by giving many gifts to the audience as he always does.
SATURDAY at Unseminar 6:
Mind mapping was continued when Bill Hibbler and Ann Collins coached an attendee, MJ on her web site and offered solutions in a visable format of a mind map that each of us could follow along.The mindmapping software was Mindjet which offers a 30 day free subscription.
The inspirational and energetic Eric Farewell spoke of building businesses that give you what you want in his presentation entitled," Simple and Proven Niche Marketing."In his talk, he told his personal story of how he is able to travel often throughout the year. He said that his lifestyle offers freedom and blessings to others. Then he offered reasons why most internet marketers fail. He showed us his formula and how his sites make money while we sleep.Very cool!
Following was a continuation of the GOOGLE INSIDER SECRETS by Simon Leung and Lee Collins with a focus on TRAFFIC. The emphasis was on the effective use of TWITTER and how 32% of their traffic was generated by their presence on Twitter. A good read is Joel Conn's "Twitter Power "which clarifies how and why this social media network works.
Andy Huang, who is known as the 80 Million Dollar Man spoke next on "Making Money Online without Creating a Web Site." and added more insight to the benefits of affiliate marketing.
Wendy Friersen of WendiTV stole the show next with a memorable performance of how she effectively uses YOUTUBE in very innovative and entertaining ways with videos to be remembered. She sells hynoptism products to solve people's problems and gifted us with a meditation that was so soothing. She shared so many incredible suggestions that will help us all.
SUNDAY at Unseminar 6:
Mindmapping was continued by Bill and Ann with more solutions presented for MJ's website.
Collin Joss spoke next about grabbing the reader by the eyeballs and ripping his money out of his wallet. Collin has an incredibly dry sense of humor and a unique accent. He gave away sales copy to three attendees and I became one of the fortunate recipients. I anticipate great results.
Ben Mack spoke next and shared his upcoming Good Energy Day ( 9/9/09). Kim Burney is working with him along with Chuck Pennington and shared their ideas. Kim is leading Mastermind groups and shared her products.
"Masterminding instills you with a sense of optimism"
Nathan Anderson,SEO expert, shared with us what he is calling "Niche ATMs."Web sites built to serve a particular audience while making money. I loved Nathan's Success formula
Give,Read an hour a day,Work Daily on your beliefs,Get RIGHT with GOD!Kill TV,Lose Negative Friends,Ask ( and it will be given), and Accept...He also shared his philosophies, and many other strategies that has him living in Colorado near his brother and family and parents on the same beautiful piece of land. He continued on multiple streams of income, choosing niche markets for which you feel passion, and how small profits individually add up.
After lunch,Kim Burney shared her new products for Maintenance on the PC.
Public Domain Expert, Tony Laidig spoke next giving us so much information of How to Create Public Domain Products.Tony told us about finding and using information that is paid for by our tax dollars and how these government documents are ours to use.
Our concluding presentation was phenomenal and given by author of Inspired Marketing, Craig Perrine. Craig encouraged listening to our subconscious mind and then taking action. He told his story and added his own humor. He reninded us how when we live our life doing what we love our to do list becomes our "get to do list."
Unseminar 6 was created and hosted by a phenomenal man named Pat O'Bryan who has gone from being a broke blues singer to a successful internet marketer. His Unseminars are affordable while providing so much information by experts who are successful. Napolean Hill said that if you want to be successful then help others get what you want. Pat O'Bryan said that" life is a parade as you learn something, turn around and teach the person behind you." My life is very blessed, my passion for learning has been re-ignited. The speakers were incredibly generous in sharing their formulas for success in each of their lives. Success is like a mathematical formula, if one person can do it, we each can if we are willing to follow their system until we have developed our own.
In addition to meeting these speakers, we had the hundreds of attendees to meet and mingle and to share each of our visions. Pat invited ten of the attendees to speak, I was the first to speak. It was an incredible opportunity to share a platform with all of the amazing and generous experts mentioned above. My friends Louise Dewey, queen of networking, Martha Giffen of Think and Motivate, and Wendy G. Young with her newly launched Spiritual Grid Manifestation DVDs also spoke sharing their dreams and stories.
Someone once said, "that our lives are lived on the acts of others, this truth resonates more than ever having been the benefactor of the generosity of all of the Unseminar 6 speakers and attendees. Although I have a ways to go with my businesses online, my attendance to Unseminar 4,5,and 6, brings me closer each day to my vision. My intention continues to be to share what I continue to learn to assist others in their journey.
The law of attraction assisted me in that the first person that I met online was Pat O'Bryan. When I ask, now what? The Universe answered with an opportunity to continue teaching with my classroom becoming the world. My classrooms online include art and technology, spiritual laws and a peaceful retreat from the world to a beautiful space. I am glad we share this journey.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Swirling Vortex Meets at Temples Gate
The meeting went into overtime as those in attendance enjoyed working while meeting new like minded people involved in studying the laws of attraction and the teachings of Abraham. Visit our site to keep track of our upcoming meetings and all of the offerings that contribute to leading joy filled lives.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Teacher from The Secret in H-Town: James Ray

Attended an exciting seminar last evening in Houston with James Ray, one of the teachers of the hit movie,"The Secret." His message reinforced what I believe to be true which is that if one person can do something then we all can. His story was another rags to riches tale of how he learned and applied spiritual laws along with what he calls his science of success to turning his life around for the better. In fact ten times better as a multimillionaire. He gave an interesting analogy that our unresolved emotional issues are like a minimized computer program, although we cannot see it, it is still there. His "Harmonic Wealth" book and his weekend seminars assist any one who has these unconscious beliefs in existence to eliminate them therefore allowing more love, joy, and empowerment into their lives. After last night, I am inspired to read his latest book. The most value gained from the lessons he presented is that we each have the potential to change our lives in the direction of our dreams should we be willing to do the inner work.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanks for Everything!
Thanks is a powerful word that can influence each and every situation in life. If we can come from a place of appreciation, then we can feel better about our lives in each moment. How many times do we find ourselves in the company of someone who is grumbling? It is so easy to chime right in and say something about your life that adds to the drama. It is challenging instead to say something to shift the conversation to something more optimistic. "Let's intend a positive outcome." When someone is complaining, we can walk away while saying to ourselves," I choose to be happy right now!"
Louise Hayes wrote Gratitude as a Way of Life, in it she tells a story of a grandmother known for saying," Thank you God, one hundred times a day. She would chant, "Thank you God " for the sunshine pouring in her kitchen window, for the food she was about to eat and for the pot boiling over. Her grandchild ask why she said Thank you for the bad things. Her reply was that the challenges in our life make us stronger and provide contrast in order to better appreciate the good in our lives. How refreshing, to develop an attitude where we appreciate whatever happens in our life.
I have started chanting this same phrase and sometimes shorten it to "Thank you G." It makes me smile while doing it. It takes me to a place of appreciation and I realize just how blessed I am as I continue to think of other things for which I can be grateful.
I tell my husband how much I love our life and him. I appreciate the world we live in and all the opportunities that have been granted to each of us. Thanks to the world of technology we can connect from all corners of the world. We have many reasons to express appreciation. I keep a Gratitude Journal and write down what I appreciate in my life and the list keeps growing. Try this and see how many big and small things you can name in your rampages of appreciation.
Julia Cameron says," The key to practicing blessings is the willingness to accept the full value of each moment." Thank you!
Louise Hayes wrote Gratitude as a Way of Life, in it she tells a story of a grandmother known for saying," Thank you God, one hundred times a day. She would chant, "Thank you God " for the sunshine pouring in her kitchen window, for the food she was about to eat and for the pot boiling over. Her grandchild ask why she said Thank you for the bad things. Her reply was that the challenges in our life make us stronger and provide contrast in order to better appreciate the good in our lives. How refreshing, to develop an attitude where we appreciate whatever happens in our life.
I have started chanting this same phrase and sometimes shorten it to "Thank you G." It makes me smile while doing it. It takes me to a place of appreciation and I realize just how blessed I am as I continue to think of other things for which I can be grateful.
I tell my husband how much I love our life and him. I appreciate the world we live in and all the opportunities that have been granted to each of us. Thanks to the world of technology we can connect from all corners of the world. We have many reasons to express appreciation. I keep a Gratitude Journal and write down what I appreciate in my life and the list keeps growing. Try this and see how many big and small things you can name in your rampages of appreciation.
Julia Cameron says," The key to practicing blessings is the willingness to accept the full value of each moment." Thank you!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Saturday Session of NLP, Success & Goal Setting

Some days are better than others as a result of someone's willingness to share their expertise. This past Saturday was one of those days as 18 people gathered at the Enhancement Institute, St.James Place in Houston. My dear friend Marian Lasalle invited me along with others in my spiritual group. It was nice to share the day with Marian, Catherine and Becky. The host Victor Escalante spoke on the history and benefits of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). He has been a practioner for over three decades and shared some processes that had us experience a deep and relaxing meditative trance. I have always had an interest in processes that enable us to tap into more effective use of our brain. Victor knows his stuff and we appreciated his generosity in telling us all about it.
Taz was next to tell us the stories of his life from hard luck to success. He shared lots of inspirational quotes and was passionate about his delivery.
Ray Flores concluded our day with how he works with individuals to have us remember who we really are. He says life has a way of clouding over our reality.
Three individuals sharing their life story to make our lives better.
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